The Truth

Sometimes life feels stuck.
Sometimes it feels like it has been flipped upside down or gone sideways or we have fallen through the looking glass and wonder where the he** am I now?How did I get here?

Sometimes we identify with the job, relationship, goal, peak experience, wish, need, want, garden, chore etc. so much that we forget who we are.

This is a profound forgetting- that we really are bigger than any role we take on, any desire, emotion or habit. We are more than our bodies, our diseases, our fear of diseases, our politics, our neurosis, our families… we..YOU in fact, are _made of great stuff- and that stuff..that Self can hold and experience everything that comes your way..good and bad..happy and sad…

We are human animals
spirit in bodies
none of these things.

Our lives are made of flesh and bone.Instinct. Drives. Personal histories, stories of our birth, growing up, lives we have lead.

Joy and grief.
Loves gained and lost.

Our lives are made of current lived experiences of houses, apartments- where do we call home? How we support our selves and others through jobs and work. How do we make our way in the world of RIGHT NOW carrying the past with us. Sometimes lightly, like a tethered helium filled balloon. Sometimes a weighted sack filled with stones.

And our lives can be-

Redemption. Rebuilding.
Re-parenting. Re-educating.
Finding meaning. Creating meaning.
Acceptance. Change.
Awareness. Inclusion.

We can have our whole authentic accounting of our time spent on this journey.

But to have our lives sometimes it seems as if we have to fight for it, sometimes cry for it, sometimes laugh till we feel we will burst for it, sometimes do nothing..surrender to the truth of our lived lives.